About Us

Not For Profit

The Blindspot is a not-for-profit, online literary magazine helmed by emerging artists and writers from all over.

Public Role

Blindspot believes in the public role of art and literature.

Our Journey

April 19, 2024

A Spark of Change

Growing cognizant of emerging social issues, alongside the perpetuity of unheard voices, the founders were compelled to contemplate over their lack of action as a part of India’s youth. What seemed as indomitable obstacles in our contemporary world, in truth, concealed solutions with endless possibilities. Avowing to instigate change, they ventured on a journey which would amplify voices and bring to light the seemingly insignificant occurrences which had escaped the nation’s attention.

April 25, 2024

The Birth

Voices that are too weak to be heard and the plights of the common people which go unnoticed come together to write a story which begs to be told to the nation. There exists a spot where such tales reside. A darkened nook, where no light is known – The Blindspot. And it is about time we turn over a new leaf, and illuminate the world of those who have never seen the radiance of day.

May 15, 2024

Building a Community

By publicizing the magazine and inviting the youth to play a part in this pivotal movement, The Blindspot Magazine embraced the very beginnings of a narrative crafted meticulously by diverse perspectives. Through a series of applications and interviews, the magazine finally inducted a team with unmatched passion and commitment to changing the world every step of the way.

1st June, 2024

Stories Beyond the Periphery

The Blindspot Magazine commences its odyssey of uncovering tales which never made it to the surface. A promise to amplifying the feeblest voices and demolishing every constraint which has ever held us back. With India’s ardently dedicated youth, we envision a future where we carve an indelible mark on our society.


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“The unseen, unheard, and untold.”

– The Blindspot Magazine

Why Choose Us

Give Voice to the Unheard

Through your skills, you’ll help amplify the voices of those who are often unheard and ensure their stories reach a wider audience.

Diversify your Skillset

Take on projects outside your usual area of expertise to build a well-rounded skillset and enhance your professional profile with certificate proof.

Expand your Worldview

Go beyond your own experiences. Our magazine exposes you to realities faced by underprivileged communities. increasing your perspective and fostering global understanding.

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